Many organisations and businesses still rely on traditional developers to change and update their website content. Lots of websites are not mobile responsive, and do not allow for online shopping.
Before Covid, a business could get by without these features. Covid has rapidly increased the adoption of online shopping and mobile browsing. It has also meant business adaptability is very important and so is not relying on others to update your website.
We recommend to all our clients, if possible that you own your own content. What that means is, you can edit it. If you need to change a product, add a service or update some information - your website needs to be easily accessible.
On one of our websites, 70% of our traffic is on mobile phones. That means, you need to be building and designing your website content to be consumed on mobile devices.
We also are firm believers in not building your business on social media only. It is very important to be established off line and train your customer (in the case of online shopping) to visit your website just in case you lose your social accounts.
Our favourite online website platform is Shopify. We are Shopify partners too and have been building Shopify websites for years. Even if you are not selling any products or services online now, we still recommend using a platform that enables this possibility in case you do want to bring out a product or service one day, you are ready to go!
If we can help you upgrade your website, or create a new website, please get in touch.